******************************* * WORDSTAR MODIFICATIONS FOR * * TRANSPARENT EMPHASIZED MODE * * ON THE EPSON MX-80 * ******************************* by Robert M. Delaney 248-D Glandore Dr. Manchester, MO 63011 CIS 72255,1054 A summary of a MICROSYSTEMS article by Ernest E. Mau recently appeared in the XA-1 data base under the name WSEPSN.MOD, 70007,642. It shows how Wordstar can use many of the features of an Epson MX-80 with Graftrax+. However it did not allow easy use of the emphasized mode of the Epson, because compressed print, superscripts, and subscripts cannot mix with the emphasized mode; that is, the emphasized mode must be turned off first before using these other modes. The following changes can be made through the Install program in order to allow Wordstar to use the emphasized mode in a transparent manner. A change from the Wordstar modifications of Mau is that ITALICS ON has been changed from USR1:(^Q) to ROLUP:(^T). ITALICS OFF is also ^T. The reason is that WORDSTAR, after doing ROLUP: on a ^T, automatically does ROLDOW: for the next ^T. ^Q will now be used to turn off double strike, superscript, and subscript modes. Compressed on (^A) PALT: 03 PALT:+1 1B These two lines turn PALT:+2 46 emphasized off. PALT:+3 0F This turns compressed on. Compressed off (^N) PSTD: 03 PSTD:+1 12 This turns compressed off. PSTD:+2 1B These two lines turn PSTD:+3 45 emphasized on. Double width toggle (^Y) RIBBON: 03 RIBBON:+1 1B These lines turn RIBBON:+2 57 Double Width RIBBON:+3 01 ON. RIBOFF: 03 RIBOFF:+1 1B These lines turn RIBOFF:+2 57 Double Width RIBOFF:+3 00 OFF. Italics toggle (^T) ROLUP: 02 This routine is used ROLUP:+1 1B when ^T is given to ROLUP:+2 34 turn ON italics. ROLDOW: 02 This routine is used ROLDOW:+1 1B when ^T is given to ROLDOW:+2 35 turn OFF italics. Turn OFF doublestrike, super & subscripts (^Q) USR1: 04 USR1:+1 1B Turns OFF USR1:+2 48 doublestrike, super & subscripts. USR1:+3 1B Turns ON USR1:+4 45 emphasized. Subscript ON (^W) USR2: 05 USR2:+1 1B Turns OFF USR2:+2 46 emphasized. USR2:+3 1B Turns ON USR2:+4 53 subscript (using the non-zero first byte of USR3: as the 5th byte!). Superscript ON (^E) USR3: 05 USR3:+1 1B Turns OFF USR3:+2 46 emphasized. USR3:+3 1B Turns ON USR3:+4 53 superscript (using the zero first byte of USR4: as the 5th byte! USR4: cannot be used.). USR4:(^R) cannot be used and must have 00 as first byte USR4: 00 This byte is used for USR3: to complete the superscript sequence. Printer initialization sequence PSINIT: 07 PSINIT:+1 1B These bytes give PSINIT:+2 40 a reset. PSINIT:+3 1B Don't skip over PSINIT:+4 4F perforation. PSINIT:+5 1B Turn ON PSINIT:+6 45 emphasized. PSINIT:+7 0D Carriage Return. Printer Finished sequence PSFINI: 03 PSFINI:+1 1B These bytes give PSFINI:+2 40 a reset. PSFINI:+3 0D Carriage Return. If a ZAP program is available, you should also modify the Help menus in the file WSMSGS.OVR to reflect the preceding changes. Be very careful and only replace ASCII characters. Some creative abbreviations may be necessary. Be sure to use a backup copy and test it thoroughly.