F83-HELP.DOC 10240 07-05-94 Help file for F83 FORTH F83-ZASM.LBR 7936 01-01-80 Adds Z80 assembly facilities to F83. F83V210.LBR 151680 01-01-80 Laxen & Perry Public Domain FORTH for CP/M-80 FORTHDOC.ARC 67535 08-05-92 Includes reference material for the 3 major | FORTH dialects (fig-FORTH, FORTH-79 and | FORTH-83). FSTRINGS.LBR 7936 01-01-80 String include for F83. MVPFORTH.LBR 71296 01-01-80 FORTH-79 compiler with source & docs. SEDIT10.LBR 6528 01-01-80 Full screen edit for Laxen & Perry Forth.