This disk contains the catalog listings for the SIG-M library in two files. Volumes are listed in reverse order and SIG0.CQT contains a list of all disks after Volume 150. The first 150 volumes are in a file called SIG1.CQT. Because of space needs we squeezed both files. The program USQ.COM is on the disk and if you have a double density system you can merely usqueeze the (Command is USQ SIG?.CQT) to produce SIG0.CAT and SIG1.CAT. However, it is really not necessary to unsqueeze. You can page through the file (backwards and forward) using the program SHOW.COM (Command is SHOW SIG0.CQT). The paging commands will appear on the bottom of the screen. Also on the disk is FYNDE.COM, a version of FIND.COM that works with squeezed and unsqueezed files. To use type FYNDE SIG?.C* STRING. (Typing FYNDE SIG?.C* MODEM will locate all instances where the mord modem appears in the catalog since it will search both listings.) SIG/M Users Group of ACG-NJ Iselin, NJ