AN12.LBR 7040 06-08-93 Checks for matching ^A's (select alternate | pitch) and ^N's (select normal pitch) in | WordStar document files. Originally written | in my early days in this business and last | modified a year and a half ago, but it does | the job. BEDITOR.LBR 27264 06-08-93 No description available. EDIT11.LBR 9856 06-08-93 Replacement for ED, PIP, XDIR and DDT. | Displays extended directory, allows you to | create or edit text files, edits COM files, | Copys files and more. And all in a 2K | program. Complete Documentations included | Will work on all CP/M 2.x or 3.0 machines. | You only need to change the Clear Screen | sequence which can be done with EDIT itself. FILES.PCB 6893 08-25-94 M24.LBR 17280 06-08-93 No description available. MERGETUT.LBR 28416 06-08-93 Nice, simple easy tutorial that demonstrates | MAILMERGE's potential as a programing | environment for some really sophisticated and | power-ful applications. MAILMERGE is one of | those unsung heroes of the 8-Bit world little | used seldom understood, a real "sleeper", and | probably the real "power-house" or "power | behind the throne" of WordStar 3.3 ans | 4.0...these scripts are also portable to the | MSDOS versions of | WS/MAILMERGE/MERGEPRINT...Try it and see! SAVZVMEM.LBR 16640 06-08-93 SAVZVMEM is a small utility to preserve the | memory image of a VDE/VDM/ZDE text file after | a unexpected hang-up which requires a reset | of your CP/M computer. VDE-PAT.LBR 7424 06-08-93 No description available. VDE265SP.LBR 26880 06-08-93 No description available. VDE266.LBR 83968 06-08-93 The most recent version (6/88) of Eric | Meyer's editor/word processor. VDE266FX.DOC 1920 06-08-93 A bug fix for VDE266. VDEMAC2.LBR 7296 06-08-93 This sequel to VDEMACRO presents several new | macros developed for he version of VDE I use | for straight word processing, including two | macros which allow you to switch back and | forth between two files. As before, a VDK | file you can use to install the macros in | your own copy of VDE is included to help you | to follow the discussion. Fred Haines, | 2-3-88. VDEWBOOT.MES 1152 06-08-93 VDE266 has a problem when the BDOS detects an | error, read and find out how to fix it. VDKCOM12.LBR 17152 06-08-93 Compiles text file with a VDT extension to an | overlay VDK file for installation in Eric | Meyer's Video Display Editor with VINST265, | or reconverts a VDK overlay to a VDT text | file for further editing. New version offers | no new features, but is much smaller and runs | much faster than earlier versions. Make up | complicated key macros by using VDE's full | screen editing instead of the backspace-only | editor in VINST. Fred Haines, April 1988. WORDSTAR.LBR 43648 06-08-93 No description available. WS4-SHEL.NOT 8832 09-02-94 WS4-SHEL.NZT 4864 06-08-93 Thoughts and notes -- well, actually a | polemic with Ron Bardarson --about the | implementation of WS4 as a ZCPR3 shell. - | Rick Charnes, 7/18/88 WS4BUG.LBR 2944 06-08-93 WS4 sometimes aborts with one of 2 error | messages when it and it's support files are | on the path but the current directory is not. | This is a bug which is described in | WS4BUG.LBR. The patch to fix the bug is | included. WS4LMBUG.FIX 640 06-08-93 If your WordStar 4 hasn't been adjusting the | left margin when you print with .PF on, it's | because there's a bug. MicroPro has an | official bug fix for it and here it is. WS4NDR.FIX 640 06-08-93 Describes a simple patch to fix a bug in | WordStar 4 WS4PAT.LBR 16384 06-08-93 This file done by Joe Wright, extends | WordStar 4's use of ZCPR 3's TCAP. WS4PRNDV.LBR 4736 06-08-93 ALL ZCPR3 users who use Wordstar Release 4.0, | this set of files will allow you to set any | default printer driver before you print a | file. Scripts may be used with Bprint to | regain the background printing function that | was lost in Release 4.0 WS4ZCPR3.FIX 2048 06-08-93 No description available. WSCURKEY.Z80 2048 06-08-93 WSCURKEY.Z80 is a patch for WordStar 4.0 for | Kaypro '83 users. It is adapted from Dale | Cook's WSKEYPAD.AZM but changes only the | cursor keys, not the whole keypad. Assemble | with ZMAC or other Z80 as-sembler. WSNOT134.ARK 28800 06-08-93 Utility for doing footnotes or endnotes with | WORDSTAR files. This is from Eric Meyer, and | updates his widely circulated FOOTNOTE.COM | programs. WSSCRIPT.PAT 4608 09-02-94 WSSCRIPT.PZT 2560 06-08-93 CRUNCHED Text file describing a patch for | WordStar to install Super-Script and | Subscript on "non-standard" printers.