ANY4.LBR Position-independent code linker/loader. ARRAYS10.LBR Allows semi-automatic maintenance of a system's bitmap. ASCIIMP2.LBR Prints a chart of ASCII characters to the screen. BITMATH.LBR Manipulate bits in a byte not performed by Z80 opcodes. CFORZ02.LBR Toolbox routines for BDS-Z, all with Z-System emphasis. CHKIF.LBR Checks ASM/Z80/PRN files for IF-ELSE-ENDIF matching. CPROT.LBR Allows debugging of operating system modules. CSHELLV1.LBR Adds pipes and batch files to ZCPR3 and C80. CVIDLIB.LBR Library of ZCPR3 video screen handling routines (C80). DDTZ27.LBR Improved Dynamic Debugging Tool (full Z80 support). DEBUG11.LBR Temporary, dynamically-loaded RCP for debugging. ENVSRC10.LBR Creates commented source code from a Z3 environment. FILES.PCB Source code format program (used with NEAT7). FRESET10.ASM Routine to (fast)-reset and log in the CP/M drive. HLOAD.LBR Loads a .HEX file anywhere in memory. JLTOOLS.LBR Set of tools for use with JetLDR. JMON.LBR Z80 breakpoint debugger for a banked BIOS. LC22.LBR Converts text (e.g., .ASM files) to lower-case. LIB4-HLP.LBR Help files for Version 4 of the Libraries. LIB4-REL.LBR Microsoft REL versions of DSLIB, SYSLIB, Z3LIB, VLIB. LINKPRL1.LBR Generates a .COM or .PRL file for RSXs or Z3.4 modules. M2ZINIT.LBR Installs TM2 programs in ZCPR3/ZCPR33/CPM environments. MEYERTUT.LBR Excellent 8080 language tutorial by Eric Meyer. MOVHEX.LBR 11648 05-13-92 Changes the load location of a .HEX file. MYLOAD10.LBR Intel HEX file loader/overlayer. NEAT7.LBR 6144 05-13-92 Source code format program (used with FORM7). NZ-TOOL4.LBR How to write Z-System utilities in Turbo Pascal. NZ-TURBO.LBR Toolbox routines for Turbo Pascal, with Z-Sys emphasis. NZENVADD.TXT List of offsets from the ENV addr in an NZCOM system . PARMLIB1.LBR Generalized routines for parsing the CP/M command line. PATDDTZ.SUB Patches DDTZ27 to authentic DDT-style commands. PDLN10.LBR Public domain version of L80 linker. PDMSHELL.LBR Demo of Pull-Down-Menu features provided in VLIB4D. PRETTY30.LBR Standardizes case opcodes/labels in Z80/8080 source. PROLNKPT.LBR Patches PROLINK linker for command-driven use under Z3. PRTASM19.LBR Prints assembly source code to the LST device. RCPMKE18.LBR Schedules source files for assembly/compilation. RELSLR1.LBR Converts simple Microsoft REL files to SLR format. RLIB12.LBR Manages library files containing REL modules. RMACMOD.LBR Allows use of the RMAC assembler with SYSLIB. RMLOAD11.LBR Merge-loads/patches .COM files with .REL files. SAVE15.LBR Type-3 version of SAVE command from Z3 CPR. SCZ01BET.LBR Modification of Small C 2.1 to support Z-System. SLIB43C.LBR Distributed SYSLIB library (vs 4.3c, 12/12/90). SMALLC-Z.MZG Forecast of work to Z'ify Small C 2.1. STRIP11.LBR Strips comments from an assembly language source file. SYSDEF.LIB Library of commonly used definitions in ZCPR3 programs. T4GEN10.LBR Generates Type-4 object code modules. TCSRC14.LBR Creates commented source (MYTERM.Z80) from MYTERM.Z3T. TLINE12.LBR A tiny in-line editor module. . TMSINST.LBR Installs TM2 programs in ZCPR3/ZCPR33/CPM environments. TOHEX.LBR Converts simple .REL files to .HEX files. TP-USER.LBR How to patch Turbo Pascal to change/display user areas. TRIM.LBR Truncates .COM files at a requested address. TXT2DB10.LBR Converts an ascii text to assembler data statements. TYP3HDR1.Z80 Header code for Type-3 environment programs. TYP4LDR1.Z80 Type-4 overlay loader code to make a Type-4 program. UNLOAD23.LBR Converts .COM files (8080/Z80) to .HEX files. V42-DOCS.LBR Documentation for version 4.2 of the Libraries. VLIB4D.LBR Distributed VLIB library (Vs 4.0d, 02/03/90). XXI10.LBR Converts Z80 source code to extended Intel mnemonics. Z33-M80.HOW How to assemble ZCPR33 with M80 assembler. Z33-TM2.LBR Tools for interfacing Turbo Modula2 to ZCPR33. Z33-ZASM.LBR Tools for assemblying ZCPR33 with the ZASM assembler. Z33FILLD.LBR Fills memory from start to end addr with a single byte. Z34CMN.LIB Code to declare named common blocks under ZCPR3.4. Z34ERR12.LBR Defines the ZCPR3.4 Command Processor error codes. Z3BAS.LBR MBASIC routines for use under ZCPR3. Z3VARS2.LBR Five routines for manipulating shell variables. Z8020.LBR Z80 extensions to the standard 8080 instruction set. Z8EZPTCH.LBR Patch for Z8E to respond to DU/DIR filespecs. ZASM33FX.LBR Fix for error in Z33HDR.LIB in Z33-ZASM.LBR. ZCNFG16.LBR Tool for universal program configuration using .CFG files supplied by the author. ZCNFG17.LBR Tool for universal program configuration using ". .CFG files supplied by the author. ZCPR-HLL.ART ZCPR-HLL.AZT Discussion of high-level lang interfaces with Z-System. ZPATCH13.LBR File-oriented byte editor similar to EDFILE. ZSCLKS.LBR ZSDOS clock specifications. ZSLIB21.LBR Routines for datestamp maintenance. ZSLIBHLP.LBR Help files for ZSLIB vs 2.1. ZXLATE14.LBR 8080 to Z80 source code translator.