010.LBR Repositions cursor for clearing everything below it. 0Z3WORD.CAT Catalog of files in the ZSUS Word Processing package. AN12.LBR Checks for matching pairs of ^A and ^N in WS doc files. ARUNZ09U.COM Z-System extended command processor and alias expander. BAK13.LBR Erases all files with the filetype .BAK. BGRSX.LBR Adds printer pause and string substitution to LIST cmd. BRADZEX.LBR ZEX command file that answers questions BRADFORD asks. CNTLH11.LBR Text filtering program for captured telecomm files. CONCAT13.LBR Concatenates two or more source files into one file. CPSET13.LBR Z-System CRT/Printer select utility. CTLCV11B.LBR Converts ctrl chars of ^D form to real ctrl chars. DATELT11.LBR Aliases to insert date/time at top/bottom of a letter. DETABZ14.LBR Replaces ASCII tabs with the correct number of spaces. EXTEND13.LBR Appends input line to new or existing ASCII file. FIG15.LBR Analyzes text files and generates readability stats. FILES.PCB FINREP28.LBR Eric Gans' classic FIND/REPLACE utility . FINRP28Z.LBR Z'ified version of FINREP vs 2.8. FNREPZPT.LBR ZCPR3 adaptation patch for FINREP (vs 2.4). FSPLIT10.LBR Splits files by record count, line count or at marker. GF13.LBR Globally replaces any char in a file with any other. GST03.LBR Set of Graphic Script Tools for Z-System. LIST10.LBR Sends files unaltered to the CP/M LST device. MACRODAT.DOC MACRODAT.DZC Procedure for adding date at touch of a macro in VDE. MULTIPRT.LBR Alias/zex files to print multi copies of a text file. NT46.LBR Appends notes to a specified or preconfigured file. NZ-WS4.LBR Overlay to Z'ify WS4 for ZCPR3x system w/extended TCAP. OE15.LBR Prints odd- or even-numbered pages of NW or WS files. OUTLN.LBR Eric Gans' classic outline-processor. PAIR.LBR Looks for unbalanced print cntl chars in WS text files. PRINT20.LBR Standard Z-System print utility. PRNTXT15.LBR Creates instant text display .COM files to CRT/printer. PRTDFLT.LBR Resets printer to default values. PRTRLE20.LBR Prints RLE graphics files on Epson-compatible printers. ROMAN03A.LBR Converts decimal numbers to Roman numerals. SAVZVMEM.LBR Saves memory image of a VDE/VDM/ZDE text file. SPELLM20.ARK Classic public domain spelling checker. TAILZ10.LBR UNIX "tail" command adapted for Z-System use. TCJWSPAT.LBR Patches WS4 from ZCPR3- to ZCPR2-type shell. TOC2.LBR Table of contents and index generator. TTOOLS.LBR Unix-like text proc. tools with redirected output. TXT52.LBR Converts text files into executable programs. UNJUST13.LBR Replaces multiple whitespace chars with a single space. VMENU27.COM Z-System shell menu and front-end processor. WORDDEMO.LBR Aliases for implementing a word processing environment. WORDWORK.LBR Word-processing system organized through VMENU. WP.VMN Sample word-processing system for use with VMENU. WS-COL12.LBR Aliases to implement print driver selector for WS4. WS4PRNDV.LBR Creates columnated output from a WordStar text file. ZDE-PRN1.LBR Set of .ZDP files for setting printers for use w/ ZDE. ZDE16.FIX Fix for control character display problems in VDE16. ZDE16.LBR Z-System Display Editor. ZDEDATE.LBR Alias/ZEX files to put date in ZDE doc w/ a macro key. ZDEMACRO.LBR Set of ZDE macro keys. ZDKCOM13.LBR Key file compiler for ZDE. ZGREP11.LBR Global Regular Expression Print program. ZMSAVE11.LBR Recovers text from memory on premature exit from PMATE. ZPLOT10A.LBR Z'ified version of PLOT33. ZTXTTOWS.LBR Converts free-format text file to WS-compatible file. ZWC.LBR Counts words in any file and displays count to screen.