uc,t,!%get/3u%ef,upd05.txt/%sf,upd05.txt/%bf,upd05.txt/*41|qcs| Query Command String The value of this function is that string of characters` entered after the name which brought the SAM76 language` interpreter into action from the operating system. 40|qfs,filename| Query File Size The value of this function is the file size as a number of` 256 byte records. ~39|lff,s0| List File Functions The value of this function is a list of the functions` available in the "dsk" disk overlay. Each function name is` preceded with the string symbolized by "s0". 38|qfe| Query File Extension The value of this function is the current setting of the file` extension. }37|sfe,s| Set File Extension This null valued function presets the file extension to the` string symbolized by "s". If "s" is made equal to ???, then` all extensions are accessed. If "s" is made null then files` with no extensions are accessed.  36|qdu| Query Directory Unit The value of this function is the identification of the` currently active directory unit. 35|sdu,d| Select Directory Unit This null valued function is used to select the device whose` number is symbolized by "d". "34At this time only one input and one output file may be` declared open. Experience in the use of the language` suggests very little need for simultaneous access to several` files because of the wide variety of other means of file` management available within the SAM76 language system. The` main purpose in providing the foregoing set of functions is` primarily to permit conversion of "conventional" system` files to SAM76 organized file structures, or to create` "conventional" files from SAM76 files. 33|wfr,s| Write File Record This null valued function will write out to a previously` properly opened file the string symbolized by "s". There is` no specified limit as to the number of characters in string` "s". ,32|rfr| Read File Record The value of this function is one record from a file` previously opened using the "dif" designate input file` function. Typically this will be 128 characters, except for` the last record of the file which may be less than that. ",31|dof,filename| Designate Output File This null valued function is used to open a file for output.` Such output is attained through use of the "wfr" write file` record function or through use of the "soc,FIL" function to` the desired SAM76 language function designed to deliver` output. "filename" is defined in the same manner as for the "dif"` designate input file function. A file is explicitly closed` by executing %dof/= with no arguments. Exit using control C` or the "ex" exit function does not close the file. "?30|dif,filename| Designate Input File This function serves to open a disk file for access either` through use of the "rfr" read file record function, or via` channel control assignment of "FIL" to any of the SAM76` language functions that are designed to accept input. "filename" symbolizes the name of the file it is desired to` access. This may be of the form "name.ext", or just plain` "name" if the extension has been preset to either "???" or` some other explicit extension through use of the "sfe" set` file extension function. 529 .]20 File interaction The file functions which are available to permit assignment` via the channel control mechanism of SAM76 language` functions are defined as follows: 28 .[20 Caution! The user must be careful to construct procedures in such a` manner that the system will not be "hung" in a mode that is` difficult to recover from. Also judicious use of the "nud",` and "sem" functions should be considered. @27|sic,sym| Select Input Channel This null valued function assigns to the channel whose name` is symbolized by "sym" one of the two groups of functions:` if this function is executed actively the assignment is of` the Group 1 functions, if neutrally the assignment is of the` Group 2 functions. 6K26|soc,sym| Select Output Channel This null valued function assigns to the channel whose name` is symbolized by "sym" one of the two groups of functions:` if this function is executed actively then the assignment is` of the Group 1 functions, if neutrally then the assignment` is of the Group 2 functions. A25|loc,s0| List Output Channels The value of this function is a list of the channel names` that may be used in the "soc" select output channel` function. Each name is preceded with the string symbolized` by "s0". Typical symbol names returned by this function are: CON Normally the user display unit PUN Punch FIL A disk file properly opened with the "dof" function USR A user provided driver pointed to at location POC LST A listing device 24|lic,s0| List Input Channels The value of this function is a list of channel names that` may be used in the "sic" select input channel function; each` name in the value returned is preceded with the string` symbolized by "s0". Typical of these channel names are the` following: CON Console, normally the user keyboard RDR Reader FIL A disk file opened with the "dif" function USR A device whose driver adress is at UIC location 23 .]20 |the channel|control|family Means are provided within the SAM76 language interpreter to` reassociate these two groups with other devices than those` normally assigned. This is independent of the assignments` that may be made using the "IOBYTE" if available; note that` the assignments will however be made within the general` framework of the IOBYTE setting as modified through use of` the "sio" set IO function. Channel control functions are defined as follows: ]22 .[15 |Group 2 This group of functions is normally initialized to interact` with the so called "Reader" and "Punch" channels {as` vectored by RI and PO}. Functions in this group are "it"` input text, "idt" input d texts, "ot" output text, "xu,xmt"` xperimental user transmit, and "xu,rcv" xperimental user` receive. SH21 .[15 |Group 1 This group of functions is normally initialized to interact` with the user console {as vectored by CI CS and CO}. These` functions are: "is" input string, "os" output string, "ic"` input character, "id" input d characters, "im" input to` matching string, "vt" view text, "tm" trace mode. >20 .]20 Channel Control A number of the SAM76 language functions are concerned with` accepting or delivering data between the SAM76 system and` the outside world. For convenience two communication groups` are defined and the initial assignments are as listed below: