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Icon Filename Bytes Date/Time Description
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Icon 00-index.txt 665 1994/9/7 [03:24:30]
Icon 0catalog.212 1,569 1986/2/12 [23:14:18] SIG-M | Volume 212 | CP-M Plus Utilities and Misc. Routines
Icon chis16.c 6,528 1994/7/13 [04:20:40] Q Chi-square calculation in C
Icon chis16.cq 4,864 1986/2/9 [17:00:00] Chi-square calculation in C
Icon cpm2-p.lbr 4,608 1986/2/9 [17:00:00]
Icon cpm3-cat.lbr 6,016 1986/2/9 [17:00:00] CP-M Plus catalog program