DBASE II Quick Reference Guide FULL-SCREEN CURSOR MOVEMENT CODES -- ALL COMMANDS ctrl-X moves cursor DOWN to the next field (also ctrl-F) ctrl-E moves cursor UP to the previous field (also ctrl-A) ctrl-D moves cursor AHEAD one character ctrl-S moves cursor BACK one character ctrl-G deletes character under cursor or deletes character to left of cursor ctrl-Y blanks out current field to right of cursor ctrl-V toggles between overwrite and INSERT modes trl-W save changes and returns to "." prompt IN EDIT MODE ctrl-U toggles the record DELETE mark on and off ctrl-C writes current record to disk and ADVANCES to next record ctrl-R writes current record to disk and BACKS to previous record ctrl-Q ignores changes to current record and returns to "." prompt ctrl-W writes all changes to disk and returns to "." prompt IN BROWSE MODE ctrl-B pans the window RIGHT one field ctrl-Z pans the window LEFT one field IN MODIFY MODE ctrl-T DELETES current line, moves all lower lines up ctrl-N INSERTS new line at cursor position ctrl-C scrolls down a half page ctrl-W writes all changes to disk and returns to "." prompt ctrl-Q ignores all changes and returns IN APPEND MODE terminates APPEND when cursor is in first position of first field ctrl-W writes record to disk and moves to next record ctrl-Q ignores current record and returns to "." prompt CONTROL KEY STROKES OPERABLE WHEN NOT IN FULL SCREEN ctrl-P toggles your printer ON and OFF ctrl-R repeats last executed command ctrl-X clears the command line without executing command ctrl-H backspace ctrl-M emulates a carriage return ctrl-S starts/stops CPU operation VIDEO Your KAYPRO has a variety of video attributes including reverse and half intensity, blinking, underlining and cursor off. In- structions for using these are found in you User's Manual. In the meantime, we've included two examples of the possibilities with your dBASE II system. One program, REV-ON will turn on half-intensity reverse video and the other, REV-OFF, turns it off. To use, type: . DO REV-ON or . DO REV-OFF at the dBASE II (.) prompt. :C INSTALL In order to use dBASE II's Full-screen editing facility, your terminal must be properly installed. Many dBASE formats are pre- installed. If yours is not your screen will appear jumbled when you attempt to perform such full screen operations as APPEND or EDIT. To correct this you must install dBASE II by running the dBASE II installation program, INSTALL.COM, called from your system as INSTALL. Since you may diagnose your terminal's status at any time by running STARTUP.PRG (called from the dBASE II "." prompt by entering the command DO STARTUP), you would be wise to use it before attempting to INSTALL dBASE II. It will tell you if you need to run the installation program, and can be used later to check the results if you do. BRIEF HELP > ? -- displays an expression, variable, or field. > ?? -- displays an expression list without a preceeding line feed. > @ -- displays user formatted data on screen or printer. > ACCEPT -- allows input of character strings into memory vari- ables. > APPEND -- append information from another dBASE II database or files in Delimited or System Data format. > BROWSE -- full screen window viewing and editing of database. > CANCEL -- cancels command file execution. > CHANGE -- Non-Full-Screen edit of fields of database. > CLEAR -- closes databases in use and releases current memory variables. > CONTINUE -- continue the searching action of a LOCATE command. > COPY -- creates a copy of an existing database. > COUNT -- counts the number of records in file which meet some criteria. > CREATE -- creates new database. > DELETE -- deletes a file or marks records for deletion. > DISPLAY -- display files, database records or structure, memory variables, or status. > DO -- executes command files or structured loops in same. > EDIT -- initiates edit of records in a database. > EJECT -- ejects a page on the printer. > ELSE -- alternate path of command execution within IF. > ENDCASE -- terminates a CASE command. > ENDDO -- terminates DO WHILE command. > ENDIF -- terminates an IF command. > ENDTEXT -- terminates a TEXT command. > ERASE -- clears the screen. > FIND -- positions to record corresponding to key in index file. > GO or GOTO -- positions to specific record or place in file. > HELP -- access help file overview or specific help file entry. > IF -- allows conditional execution of commands. > INDEX -- creates an index file. > INPUT -- allows input of expressions into memory variables. > INSERT -- insert new record in database. > JOIN -- joins output of two databases. > LIST -- lists files, database records or structure, memory variables, and status. > LOCATE -- find a record that fits a condition. > LOOP -- skips to beginning of DO WHILE command. > MODIFY -- create and/or edit command file or modify structure of existing database. > NOTE or * -- allows insertion of comments in command file. > PACK -- erases records marked for deletion. > QUIT -- exits dBASE and returns to operating system. > READ -- initiates full-screen editing of formatted screen by accepting input into variables accessed with @ GET. > RECALL -- erases mark for deletion. > REINDEX -- update existing index file. > RELEASE -- eliminates unwanted memory variables and releases memory space. > REMARK -- permits display of any characters. > RENAME -- rename a file. > REPLACE -- change information in record(s) or entire database field by field. > REPORT -- format and display a report of information. > RESET - reset operating system after placing new disk in drive. > RESTORE -- retrieves memory variables stored in MEM file. > RETURN -- ends a command file. > SAVE -- copies current memory variables to disk file. > SELECT -- switches between USE files in PRIMARY and SECONDARY areas. > SET -- sets dBASE control parameters. > SKIP -- position forwards or backwards in database. > SORT - write copy of database sorted on one of the data fields. > STORE -- creates memory variables. > SUM -- compute and display the sum of database field(s). > TEXT -- allows output of block of text from a command file. > TOTAL -- creates summary copy of database combining information from specified fields of records meeting some criteria. > UPDATE -- allows batch updates of a database. > USE -- specifies database to USE until next USE command is issued. > WAIT -- suspends command file processing until user input received. LIMITATIONS AND CONSTRAINTS number fields/record 32 max number chars/record 1000 max number records/database 65535 max number chars/cstring 254 max accuracy numeric fields 10 digits largest number 1.8 x 10**63 approx smallest number 1.0 x 10**-63 approx number current memvars 64 max number chars/command line 254 max number s in SUM command 5 max number chars in REPORT header 254 max number fields in REPORT 24 max number chars in index key 99 max number of pending GETS 64 max number of files open at one time 16 max length of .PRG file unlimited ERRORS BAD DECIMAL WIDTH FIELD -- Re-enter decimal part of field defin- ition. BAD FILE NAME -- Syntax error in filename. BAD NAME FIELD -- Redefine field name while in CREATE. BAD TYPE FIELD -- Must be C (character), N (numeric), or L (logical). BAD WIDTH FIELD -- Redefine size of data field between 1 and 255. *** BEYOND STRING -- Rewrite substring ($) with correct parameter. CANNOT INSERT - THERE ARE NO RECORDS IN DATABASE FILE -- Use the APPEND command instead. CANNOT OPEN FILE -- Check the existence or integrity of MEM or HEX file. COMMAND FILE CANNOT BE FOUND -- Check spelling and default drive. DATA ITEM NOT FOUND -- Rewrite REPLACE command, or check file structure for correct field name. DATABASE IN USE IS NOT INDEXED -- FIND is permitted only on indexed databases. DIRECTORY IS FULL -- The operating system's directory cannot hold anymore files. DISK IS FULL -- No space left on disk. Use DELETE FILE to erase some unneeded files. END OF FILE FOUND UNEXPECTEDLY -- The database in USE is not in the correct format. dBASE isn't sure that file is a DBF file. "FIELD" PHRASE NOT FOUND -- Rewrite CHANGE command line. FILE ALREADY EXISTS -- Delete the unwanted file before RENAME. FILE DOES NOT EXIST -- Use DISPLAY FILE LIKE *.* to be sure the file exists. FILE IS CURRENTLY OPEN -- Type a USE or CLEAR command to close the file. FORMAT FILE CANNOT BE OPENED -- Check the integrity of FMT file. FORMAT FILE HAS NOT BEEN SET -- Set the appropriate FMT file. ILLEGAL DATA TYPE -- SORT cannot sort on a logical field. ILLEGAL GOTO VALUE -- Record addressed must be > 0 and < 65535. ILLEGAL VARIABLE NAME -- Only alphanumerics and colons are allowed in variable and field names. Redefine variable or field name. INDEX DOES NOT MATCH DATABASE -- dBASE cannot match the index key with the database. Try another index file. INDEX FILE CANNOT BE OPENED -- Check spelling or index the data- base. JOIN ATTEMPTED TO GENERATE MORE THAN 65,534 RECORDS -- The FOR clause allows too many joined output records. Make it more stringent. KEYS ARE NOT THE SAME LENGTH -- UPDATE command requires identical keys. MACRO IS NOT A CHARACTER STRING -- Variables expanded by a macro (&) must be character (C) in content. MORE THAN 5 FIELDS TO SUM - SUM is limited to 5 fields at a time. MORE THAN 7 INDEX FILES SELECTED -- Maximum number of index files open is seven. Fewer will give faster performance. NESTING LIMIT VIOLATION EXCEEDED -- Cannot have more than 16 command files open at once. NO EXPRESSION TO SUM -- SUM command needs a numeric expression to sum. NO "FOR" PHRASE -- Rewrite JOIN command with correct syntax. NO "FROM" PHRASE -- Rewrite UPDATE command with correct syntax. NO FIND - More a diagnostic than an error message. dBASE couldn't find the key. Record # has been set to 0. NON-NUMERIC EXPRESSION -- SUM command needs a numeric expression to sum. NOT A dBASE II DATABASE -- DBF file opened was not created by dBASE. "ON" PHRASE NOT FOUND -- Rewrite UPDATE or INDEX command with correct syntax. OUT OF MEMORY FOR MEMORY VARIABLES -- Reduce the number or size of memory variables. RECORD LENGTH EXCEEDS MAXIMUM SIZE (OF 1000) -- Reduce size of some fields or create a second database on a common key. RECORD NOT IN INDEX -- Index file was not updated after a record was added. Reindex the file. RECORD OUT OF RANGE -- Record number was called that is greater than number of records in database. If the index file is not current, reindex the file. SORTER INTERNAL ERROR, NOTIFY SCDP -- Internal error, contact ASHTON-TATE for support. SOURCE AND DESTINATION DATA TYPES ARE DIFFERENT - Check that data types are both numeric, both character, or both logical. *** SYNTAX ERROR *** -- dBASE doesn't understand the command. SYNTAX ERROR IN FORMAT SPECIFICATION -- @ SAY GET PICTURE command is improperly set up. SYNTAX ERROR, RE-ENTER -- INPUT, ACCEPT, REPORT require syntacti- cally correct entry. May expect a different data type. "TO" PHRASE NOT FOUND -- Rewrite command with correct syntax. TOO MANY CHARACTERS -- (Non-Full-Screen only.) Data entered exceeds allotted length of field. TOO MANY FILES ARE OPEN -- Only 16 files of all types (Command, FMT, NDX) may be open at one time. TOO MANY MEMORY VARIABLES -- There is a maximum of 64 current memory variables. TOO MANY RETURNS ENCOUNTERED -- Probably an error in the structure of a command file. Check the number and location of RETURNs. "WITH" PHRASE NOT FOUND -- Rewrite REPLACE command with correct syntax. UNASSIGNED FILE NUMBER -- Internal error. Contact ASHTON-TATE for support. If HELP was used, DBASEMSG.TXT file may be missing from drive. *** UNKNOWN COMMAND -- Check spelling. dBASE doesn't understand command. VARIABLE CANNOT BE FOUND -- Need to create the variable, or check the spelling of the field name in database structure. ***ZERO DIVIDE -- There was an attempt to divide a by zero. DBASE II Keyword Definitions dBASE II TERMINOLOGY or - any valid dBASE command or function. -- character string(s). In most instances must be delimited with single quotes (''), double quotes (""), or brackets ([]). -- an whose content is defined as Character in type. May be a cstring, a memvar or field of type C or any combination of these items concatenated with the dBASE operators. -- any non-alphanumeric character used to demarcate data, e.g., single quotes (''), double quotes (""), brackets ([]), colons (::), commas (,,), etc. or -- an item or group of items and operators whose value can be determined by dBASE. s may be defin- ed as C,N, or L depending on the "type" of data they contain. -- a list of expressions delimited with commas. -- a record field name. -- a list of field names delimited with commas. -- name of file you wish to create or access. -- name of index file you wish to create or access. -- list of field(s) or portion(s) thereof used to create index files or sorted databases. -- the name of a memory variable. -- list of memory variables delimited with commas. -- a number which dBASE regards as a literal value. -- an whose content is defined as Numeric. -- command option specifies range of records dBASE must treat in executing command. has three possible values: ALL records in file; NEXT records in file; and RECORD . Default value varies from command to command. -- allows batch manipulation of files of same type and/or with matching characters in filename using operating system "wild cards," ? and *. Also allows batch manipulation of groups of with matching characters in name. -- the name of a database field or . Keyword Definitions ?? > ? -- Evaluates and displays the value of an expression. In command files (and elsewhere) can be used without expression to space down a line at output. . ? 6/3 2 . ? 'CITY' CITY . ? CITY (field of file in use) Managua > ?? -- Same as ?, but displays result on same line as entry. @ -- (ampersand) > @ -- Displays user formatted data on screen or printer at spec- ified x,y coordinates (x=line,y=column). Syntax: @ [SAY [USING '']] [GET [PICTURE '']] Examples: @ 3,23 SAY AMOUNT * 1.06 USING '$$$,$$$.99' @ 14,23 SAY "ENTER PHONE" GET PHONE PICTURE '(###)###-####' @ LINE+2,45 SAY TOTAL USING '99999.99' ACCEPT > ACCEPT -- Prompts user to enter character string information into a designated memory variable. Syntax: ACCEPT [''] TO Example:. ACCEPT "What is your name?" to NAME What is your name?: [user's response stored to SIN] . ? NAME [user's response displayed] APPEND > APPEND FROM [FOR ] or APPEND FROM [SDF] [DELIMITED] [FOR ] -- appends data FROM a database or file in System Data Format file to the database in use. Records marked for deletion in FROM will not be appended. e.g., APPEND FROM MAILLIST FOR NAME='N' APPEND FROM TEST.TXT DELIMITED > APPEND BLANK -- appends a blank record to file in use. > APPEND -- allows user to add new records to database in use. (If index is also in use, the index file is automatically updated). BROWSE > BROWSE [FIELDS ] -- Brings up Full-screen viewing and editing of the database in use. CANCEL > CANCEL -- In a command file, stops command file execution and returns user to dBASE "." prompt. Command file fragment: ACCEPT "What should this humble machine do next?" to NEXT IF NEXT = 'Q' CANCEL ENDIF CHANGE > CHANGE -- Permits Non-Full-Screen editing of database in use by field. Hit ESCape key to terminate CHANGE mode. Syntax: CHANGE [] FIELD [FOR ] Example: CHANGE ALL FIELD ZIP FOR ZIP = '90045' RECORD: 00001 ZIP: 90045 CHANGE? (Enter the characters to be changed and hit return. Add new data at the TO prompt, or hit return to go to the next appro- priate record.) CLEAR > CLEAR -- closes all database in use, releases all memory vari- ables, and Selects Primary work area. > CLEAR GETS -- commands dBASE to forget all GET statements still active without erasing the screen. COPY > COPY -- Copies the database in use or only its structure TO another file. COPY will create the TO if it does not yet exist, but will destroy an already existing file of that name. Will not copy records marked for deletion. Command has three forms: COPY TO [] [FIELD ] [FOR ] COPY TO [SDF] [DELIMITED [WITH ]] [FOR ] COPY TO STRUCTURE [FIELD ] > COPY TO STRUCTURE EXTENDED -- special form of COPY creates database whose records represent the structure of file in use. COUNT > COUNT -- Counts the number of records in database in use which satisfy specified criteria. Default value is COUNT all records. Syntax: COUNT [scope] [FOR ] [TO ] Example: COUNT NEXT 25 FOR GRADE > 'B-' TO DEANLST CREATE > CREATE [] -- Creates a new database. User will be prompted for file structure. > CREATE FROM EXTENDED -- creates database whose structure is determined by the data contained in the records of . (Used with COPY STRUCTURE EXTENDED.) DELETE > DELETE FILE -- deletes specified file. > DELETE [] [FOR ] -- marks record(s) for deletion. Records marked for deletion (with *) will not be erased until the PACK command is given. Records may also be marked for deletion by record number. Examples: DELETE ALL FOR COMPANY = 'ZMB' DELETE RECORD 15 DISPLAY > DISPLAY FILES [ON ] [LIKE ] -- lists files on drive. For example, DISPLAY FILES ON B LIKE *.MEM. > DISPLAY [][][FOR][OFF] -- displays records of file in use. > DISPLAY STRUCTURE -- displays field names, types, lengths, and decimals (structure) of file in use. > DISPLAY MEMORY -- display names,types, and values of all cur- rently defined memory variables. > DISPLAY STATUS -- lists databases in use, system date, indexes in use, and current parameters SET. DO ENDCASE ENDDO LOOP > DO -- opens and executes specified command file. > DO WHILE -- used in command files to open a structured loop. Commands in between are executed so long as the DO WHILE is found to be true. Syntax: DO WHILE Example: USE MAILLIST DO WHILE .NOT. EOF [LOOP] ? NAME ? PHONE ENDDO SKIP ENDDO > LOOP -- causes command file to jump processing back to the DO WHILE command. Example: USE MAILLIST DO WHILE .NOT. EOF IF ZIP = '90005' SKIP LOOP ENDIF ? NAME ? PHONE SKIP ENDDO CASE > DO CASE -- used in command file to choose one and only one of several possible execution paths. OTHERWISE clause optional, and executes when no CASE is true. ENDCASE is needed to close command. Example: USE MAILLIST ACCEPT "WHICH MENU OPTION DO YOU PREFER?" to Choice DO CASE CASE Choice = '1' DO Clabels CASE Choice = '2' DO Cappend CASE Choice = '3' DO Cedit OTHERWISE Return ENDCASE EDIT > EDIT [] -- enables selective editing of database in use by record number. Requests record number if not supplied. When edit of particular record has been com- pleted, ctrl-W brings back EDIT's record number prompt (ENTER RECORD #:). To terminate EDIT mode, answer record number query with a return. EJECT > EJECT -- causes printer to do a form feed (page eject) if PRINT is SET ON or FORMAT is SET TO PRINT. When using @ SAY commands for direct page formatting, EJECT will zero out line and column counters. ERASE > ERASE -- clears the screen. In interactive mode, "." prompt will appear at top left corner of screen. FIND > FIND -- when using indexed files, positions to first record indexed by . GO GOTO > GO or GOTO -- positions to a specific record or place in the database in use. Also positions to record number contained in memory variable. Syntax: GO or GOTO [RECORD ],,[TOP],[BOTTOM], or IF ELSE ENDIF > IF -- in command file, IF structure permits conditional exe- cution of commands. ELSE clause is optional. Syntax: IF Example: IF STATE = 'CA' DO INSTATE (CMD file) [ELSE ELSE ] DO OUTSTATE (CMD file) ENDIF ENDIF INDEX > INDEX ON TO -- creates an index file for database in use based upon content of field(s) or portion(s) of field(s) specified by the or index . INPUT > INPUT [""] TO -- prompts user to enter numeric or logical information into the designated memory variable. Example: INPUT 'Prompt user for input' TO X Prompt user for input: 12 [user input, 12, stored to X] . ? X 12 INSERT > INSERT [[BEFORE] [BLANK]] -- inserts a record into the database in use immediately after or -- with BEFORE -- before the current record. Presents user with data entry format for use file unless BLANK record is requested. JOIN > JOIN -- creates a new database by combining the records of files in use in Primary and Secondary areas. Records are added where FOR evaluates as True. Command must be executed from primary area. Default value for FIELD is ALL. Syntax: JOIN TO FOR [FIELDS ] Example: . USE NAMES . SELECT SECONDARY . USE MAILLIST . SELECT PRIMARY . JOIN TO NAMEJ FOR LAST <> S.LAST (Continued in DBterm2.hlp) DBASE II Keyword Definition (Cont.) LIST > LIST FILES [ON ] [LIKE ] -- lists all files on designated disk. Default to logged disk. Example: LIST FILES ON C LIKE *.FRM > LIST [][] [FOR ][OFF] -- displays records of file in use. Default value is ALL records. Example: LIST NEXT 25 NAME, PHONE FOR CONTRIB > 100 (i.e., NAME and PHONE of next 25 who contributed more than $100.) > LIST STRUCTURE -- displays structure of database in use. > LIST MEMORY -- lists names and values of all currently defined memory variables. > LIST STATUS -- lists databases open, indexes in use, system date, and current parameters SET. LOCATE CONTINUE > LOCATE [] FOR -- finds first record of database for which FOR is True. Use CONTINUE to find next such record. (User may manipulate record before resuming search with CONTINUE.) . LOCATE ALL FOR ZIP >= '95000' .AND. ZIP < '96000' RECORD: 00123 . DISPLAY . CONTINUE RECORD: 00232 MODIFY > MODIFY STRUCTURE -- allows user to alter the structure of database in use. This command will destroy all data in the file in use. (To alter structure without loss of data, use COPY STRUCTURE, USE, and APPEND as illustrated below.) . USE NAMES . COPY STRUCTURE TO TEMP . USE TEMP . MODIFY STRUCTURE -- no data lost since file is empty . APPEND FROM NAMES -- brings data into modified database . DELETE FILE NAMES . USE -- close TEMP in order to: . RENAME TEMP TO NAMES > MODIFY COMMAND -- calls dBASE's text editor and brings up or creates designated file. Primarily used for creating and editing command (.PRG), text (.TXT), and format (.FMT) files, but may be employed as a simple full screen word processor. NOTE > NOTE or * -- permits the insertion of comments into a command file. Comments following NOTE or * will not be read when file is executed. PACK > PACK -- erases records marked for deletion in database in use. If index files are in use, they will be automatically updated. QUIT > QUIT [TO ] -- terminates dBASE and returns control to operating system. Optionally calls programs from system level. READ > READ -- initiates full-screen mode for entry or editing of variables. The Full-screen prompts and window are created by @ SAY commands with GET phrases. Command file fragment: STORE ' ' TO name STORE ' ' TO phone @ 4,4 SAY 'Name' GET name @ 6,4 SAY 'Phone' GET phone PICTURE '(###)###-####' READ RECALL > RECALL [] [FOR ] -- reinstates record(s) marked for deletion within use file. Default value is current record. REINDEX > REINDEX -- allows update of index files not automatically 'reindexed' after alteration of database file. Example: . USE MAILLIST INDEX INDEXA . APPEND [append operations performed] . SET INDEX TO INDEXB,INDEXC . REINDEX RELEASE > RELEASE -- erases unwanted memory variables and opens memory space for further use. ( uses ? to mask any single character, * to mask all remaining characters. Syntax: RELEASE [], or [ALL] RELEASE ALL LIKE RELEASE ALL EXCEPT Examples (where N, N1, N2, N10, V7 are variables in use): RELEASE ALL LIKE N? [N10 and V7 will remain] RELEASE ALL LIKE N?? [V7 will remain] RELEASE ALL EXCEPT ?1* [N1 and N10 will remain] REMARK > REMARK -- permits the display of any characters. In command file character entry is output. Example: . REMARK abracadabara!!! abracadabara!!! RENAME > RENAME TO -- renaming of file in DOS directory. Unless otherwise indicated, dBASE assumes that file type is DBF. Example: . RENAME REVIEW.FRM TO REVIEW2.FRM REPLACE > REPLACE -- allows user to replace contents of specified fields of database in use. If index file is keyed on field targeted for update, index in use will be automatically updated. Default is current record. Syntax: REPLACE [] WITH [, WITH ][FOR ] Example: . USE MXPROJ . REPLACE ALL COST WITH COST * 6.1 FOR ITEM = 'ELEC' REPORT > REPORT -- used for creating a Report Form File (FRM) for dis- playing specified information from a database in a user- defined format. Outputs results to screen or printed page. Syntax: REPORT [FORM
] [][TO PRINT] [FOR ] [PLAIN] RESET > RESET [] -- use this command after changing disks on any drive other than that containing dBASE. Command resets the DOS bit map, allowing uninterrupted operation of dBASE program. Close all files before issuing a RESET. RESTORE > RESTORE FROM [ADDITIVE] -- retrieves and activates th set of memory variables previously SAVEd to a memory file. ADDITIVE allows you to keep currently defined variables intact; otherwise they are lost. RETURN > RETURN -- may be used in a command file to return control to the command file which called it or to dBASE "." prompt if user called it. SAVE > SAVE TO [ALL LIKE ] or [ALL EXCEPT ] -- copies all memory variables currently in use, or only those specified by , to designated memory (MEM) file. uses ? to mask any single characters and * to mask all remaining characters. Examples (where N1, N2, N10, V1, V2, V10 are current variables): . SAVE TO NUMBER ALL LIKE N* [saves N1, N2, N10] . SAVE TO NUMBER ALL LIKE N? [saves N1, N2] . SAVE TO NUMBER ALL EXCEPT ?1* [saves N2, V2] SELECT PRIMARY SECONDARY > SELECT [PRIMARY / secondary] -- allows user to move between the two work areas dBASE provides, thus permitting user to work with two databases simultaneously and maintain record pointers in both. Primary area is active upon bringing up dBASE. SET > SET -- sets dBASE control parameters. Syntax: SET [ON or OFF] SET TO