Supersedes file Yasbec.txt from July 23, 1991 (new address) ----------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCT ANNOUCEMENT - AUGUST 3, 1991 ------------------------------------ YASBEC - Yet Another Single Board Eight-bit Computer The Yasbec system features; -Single Eurocard printed circuit board, double sided, soldermask. -Z180 cpu, plcc package. -Static ram, 32K to 1MB capacity. -32Kx8 (27C256) eprom. -Optional Real-time clock, with battery backup (Dallas DS1216E). -DD Floppy controller -SCSI hard disk controller -2 serial ports -1 parallel printer port -buffered backplane connector -socketed for optional 9511A/8231A Arithmetic Math Processor -Ram and I/O addressing by pals -requires +5vdc and +12vdc from backplane or push-pins The YASBEC is currently available as a semi-populated kit. Included are the monitor rom, address decoding pals, and all surface mount components soldered to the board. Also includes schematics, parts list and hardware manual. NOT INCLUDED are the sockets, socketed parts, cables and any leaded parts (jumpers, connectors, etc.). Assembling the hardware and software needed for this system should prove itself an interesting project for the true hacker. Just like the good old days, eh? Anyone interested in a fully assembled system in a case with power supply, console and software ready to boot should go buy a PC. The price of the Yasbec semi-populated kit is $100.00 Cdn plus $10 shipping and handling for Canada and the USA. Payment can be made by cheque or postal money order, sorry no credit cards. Please order by mail from; Paul Chidley 162 Hunterhorn Dr. N.E. Calgary, Alberta Canada T2K 6H5 To find out more about Yasbec check out TCJ (The Computer Journal) issues #51 and #52. If you have any questions I can be reached on GEnie GEmail as P.CHIDLEY, or you can phone me at home (during reasonable MST hours) at 403-274-8891.