Hi.. here some informations about the scanned manuals. 1st you can try to read the manual with is the smallest. I made some ocr for small files but the quality isn't allways cheked and the sometimes bad ocr isn't corrected. The filenames are typicaly used as follows. ocr = ocr'd bw = black and white scans des = pdf made with destiller like or post/ghostscript wri = pdf made with adobe-writer included in the scansoftware. none or graf = 8bit grey col = minimal colorscans I use an EPSON Perfection 1640 scanner with an ADE. Mostly scanns are bw 600 or 300 dpi Greysale or colored scanns are made with 300dpi So if you would like to make an ocr by yourself please use the biggest pdf-file as it has the best resolution. Otherwise mail me.