(  X5e2NnE"'')f,0_7^8L:5? FzGb* PERSONAL PEARL - DESIGN REPORTS OVERVIEW L The PERSONAL PEARL DESIGN REPORTS service allows you to construct a REPORT; layout. Designing a report requires the following steps: 3 1. Design your report layout on a blank screen. K 2. Define "data output areas" on the report where data will be printed on the report. , 3. Select the sort order for the report. B 4. Identify the data output areas requiring data from another form. A 5. Install the finished report so the report may be produced.ÿ F If you are designing a new report, enter option 1, then each of the D subsequent steps until the report is installed. You may return toA any step if you wish to make additional changes. More HELP is ; available after you have selected any of the above steps.ÿ@ Enter the name of the report you wish to access, or a new name# if you are creating a new report.ÿ<ÿ> The new report has been added to your directory. You may now; enter or change the report layout by selecting the report8 for processing. Press return to select the new report.ÿ? Enter "Y" to delete the report from your report directory, or enter "N" to keep it.ÿ C Use option 1 to create a report which will use the same layout as' your input form which you may change. D Use option 2 to copy an existing report. Once you have made a copy9 of the report, you may change the layout of the report. 9 Use option 3 to create a new report on a blank screen. ÿE The description you enter here will appear in the report directory.ÿD The report to be copied could not be located on disk. Either enter; a different report name, or press ESCAPE to return to the report directory.ÿ I Use a FIXED-type report when you wish each form to appear on a separate page.K Use a LIST-type report when you wish to summarize the data from the inputI forms, placing as many lines as possible on each page. When you create J a LIST-type report you may specify page headings, footings, grand totals and summary subtotals. J Use the SuperCalc spreadsheet option when you wish to create a SuperCalc4 spreadsheet input file from your PEARL data file. J When you use this option the data output areas in the report will become "cells" in the spreadsheet.  ÿF The name of the report you entered has been added to the directory. C The report layout was already on a disk file even though the nameE of the file was not in the report directory. You may now change the+ report layout by selecting the same name.ÿB The name of the report you have entered has already been used as? a report name for another form. PEARL does not allow the sameL report name to be used by two different forms. Please choose another name.ÿF Enter the name of a report which you have previously defined. If youC do not remember the name of the report, press ESCAPE to return to the report directory.ÿC The input FORM for this program has not yet been created. Use theA DESIGN FORMS option to create the form, then select this option or choose a different option.ÿD In order to layout a FIXED-type report, proceed in the same manner you would to layout a FORM.   E Once you have done the layout for the report, you may then identifyD the areas on the report where information from your data file will be placed during printing. C You may also specify the order in which the forms will be printedC based on any of the information present in the form. For example:@ the report could be sequenced by name, address, zip code, etc.ÿ> In order to create a SuperCalc spreadsheet file, a report isA created from your data file. However, instead of being printed,9 the information you indicate is placed in a file which H may be read in by SuperCalc for subsequent processing by that program. D The SuperCalc report is similar in format to the LIST-type report.B Each set of detail, subtotal, or grand total information, may beC placed as a row of data in the SuperCalc spreadsheet. Within each= of these three groups, each output area you specify will beA placed as a "cell" in the spreadsheet beginning with the second cell in each row. ÿF A LIST-type report is used if you want to list summary information, A and to compute totals or subtotals from the information in your@ form file. You may also specify headings and footings for each page of the report.    ? Refer to help code 83 in your PERSONAL PEARL Reference Manual for additional help.     ÿF Specify the name of a data input area in your input form in order toA print information from your data file. If the output area is toA be computed during creation of the report, use a new name, thenC specify the formula to be used to compute the area based on other data areas in the input form.ÿC In order to specify a new data output area in a report, place theF cursor on the first character in the output area, then press ctrl/B.@ At this time the full output area will be highlighted, and you! will be asked to name the area. C If the output area is to contain data which has been placed in anE input form, use the SAME NAME you used to name the data input area.A If the new area is to be computed, or if the area is a computed+ value, then you should assign a NEW NAME. G All of the areas specified for output are highlighted on your screen.     ÿI A FORMULA may be entered to compute an output area based on other areasK in your form. Those other areas need not be present on the report as longI as they have been defined on the input form. For example: if two areasL on your input form are named HOURS and RATE, you could compute and place J the product in your report under the new name of GROSS by entering GROSS; as the output area name, and using FORMULA: HOURS * RATE.E A FORMULA may use "+" to add values, "-" to subtract one value fromK another, "*" to multiply two values together, and "/" to divide one valueG into another. You may also use "(" to indicate the order in which theF computation should occur. For example, (A + B) * C causes A and B toN be added and the total to be multiplied times C. If no parentheses are used,N multiplications and divisions will occur before additions and subtractions. ÿL You may not compute a value which is also specified as being an data input area from another form.ÿK 1 - Unbalanced parenthesis, 3 - Order of input area names and L 2 - Input area name is too long, arithmetic operators is invalid, ORH . 4 - Area name starts with a number.ÿF Use this option to specify the order in which the forms on the inputH file will be placed on your report. For example, if you have the inputD areas ZIP, STATE, and NAME on your form, you may specify that the E file should be sorted in order by STATE, then ZIP, and then NAME byD specifying the sequence for STATE, ZIP, and NAME as being 1, 2 and 3, respectively.J The normal order of a sort may be reversed by typing an R underneath the7 selected area. (B comes before A, 2 comes before 1).E If no SORT priority is specified, then the report will be in random' order as it appears on the data file.ÿ> You may call in data from other forms when a report is being= created by using this option. Select the data area which is? used to reference the other form by placing the cursor on theA area, then press ctrl/B to specify the manner in which the area is to be used. ? Note that once another form has been called by specifying theD indexed area to the form, any of the input areas in the other form may be used in computations. C An indexed area may be used to identify and find another form, or1 it may be output once the other form is called. ? Once another form has been called, any area in the other form? may be used in a FORMULA for an output area by specifying the= other form name as the prefix in the formula. For example,C if an employee master form (EMPMAST) contains the pay rate (RATE)C for an employee, and the form is indexed by an employee id numberB (EMPID), then the pay rate may be used in a formula by using the name EMPMAST.RATE.ÿ; Enter the name of the FORM which contains the information$ you wish to include in the report.ÿB Enter "Y" to indicate that the data in this input/output area isG being used to identify and find specific records from the other form.D Once the other form has been identified, you may use data from the: form in other output areas using "N" as an option here. ÿJa