This are the emu files I had saved from my backups. I used a backup for /etc and /root with tar. I don't know which emu file is bootable as I have no DM-V anymore but if you make translation files and the 1st sectors are not '00' 'FF' 'E5' there may be a bootable system on the emu file. For MSDOS I used 20MB harddisk and you have to use a special format programm. Use FMT20.COM which is in 5DOS211.TD0 or similiar. /public/pub/rechner/ncr/dmv/image/!ncrdsk/web/5_V20FIX/index.html ############################################################################# With CP/M 2 and CP/M 86 the 20MB HD is not usefull, even you can write to it. The directory isn't made for 20MB so you may overwrite some entry's and got lost dir entry's and a bad filesystem. So please don't try 20MB with CP/M and use a 10MB emulation for save. fritzeflink