"top" width="10%" align="right"> 32,640 1985/2/9 [23:35:18] Icon tmod.mac 2,489 1984/4/29 [17:00:00] Icon tmodqt.mac 2,830 1984/4/29 [17:00:00] Icon tmodsci.mac 4,599 1984/4/29 [17:00:00] Icon tmodtest.mac 4,133 1984/4/29 [17:00:00] Icon tos.bas 2,376 1984/4/29 [17:00:00] Icon usermd.mac 241 1984/4/29 [17:00:00] Icon usrmaint.bas 7,944 1984/4/29 [17:00:00] Icon wildcat.txt 800 1994/9/14 [18:07:38]
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" width="50%" > Z80ASM- Z80 Relocating Macro Assembler - USER'S GUIDE 1984 by SLR Systems | Z80ASM is a powerful relocating macro assembler for Z80-basedCP/M systems. It takes assembly language source statements froma disk file, converts them into their binary equivalent, andstores the output in either a core-image, Intel hex format, orrelocatable object file. The mnemonics recognized are those of Zilog/Mostek. The optional listing output may be sent to a diskfile, the console and/or the printer, in any combination. Outputfiles may also be generated containing cross-reference information on each symbol used. Icon z80dis-doc-man.pdf 205,983 2019/7/12 [00:06:40] Icon z80_microprofessor_teil1.7z 51,154,354 2019/12/4 [21:33:54] Icon z80_microprofessor_teil2.7z 61,684,714 2019/12/4 [21:33:56] Icon zaks_einfuehrung_in_pascal_(300).pdf 13,457,447 2022/12/21 [21:58:28] Icon zaks_einfuehrung_in_pascal_(600).pdf 22,489,011 2022/12/21 [21:58:28] Icon zaks_programmierung_des_z80.pdf 22,080,299 2019/11/21 [22:49:30] Dieses Buch wurde konzipiert als ein vollstaendiger in sich abgeschlossener Text zum Erlernen des Programmierens unter Verwendung des Z80. Es kann von allen gelesen werden, die auch bisher noch nicht programmiert haben. Von besonderem Wert sollte es fuer alle diejenigen sein, die den Z80 verwenden. Icon zaks_programmierung_des_z80_bw.pdf 11,995,774 2019/11/21 [22:49:26] ocr'd
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