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Here I have saved some mirrored sites. Some of the text is in german language but I've not the time to translate.    (includes Prof-180)
is a Z80 (180) SBC for the Euro Card Bus, made by conitec / Johannes C. Lotter and  printed in c't by heise.

CP/M 3.0 fuer PROF-80 - Das BIOS und alles was dazugehoert
Joachim Hanst | Projekt, ECB | c't 2/85 S. 103 (bw)

Ueppiges BIOS-  PROF-80 macht mehr aus CP/M 2.2
Joachim Hanst |Projekt, ECB | c't 10/84 S. 41

PROF-80: Prozessor-Floppy-RAM-Karte
Die Prozessor- und Floppy-Karte macht das c't80-Computersystem komplett
Johannes C. Lotter |Projekt, ECB | c't 8/84 S. 26

( more informations) 
the SAGE II / IV (1983) was a fast system using a MC68000 CPU and managed multitasking with six serial ports in real time.
The was a fanpage of an enthusiastic friend of SAGE Computer Technology who sadly missed the time for
having online. This is what I found in the wayback machine.

( more informations)